I don't believe they're used in Spanish schools my kids started straight in with a normal flauta dulce (soprano recorder), and if you search for "flauta infantil" that's what you find, not this. Hohner's Flutophone is very occasionally mentioned in Spanish-language sources, though I don't think it's quite the same thing. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German. Tocar las notas de la flauta Cómo poner las manos. Metodo Yamaha Para Flauta DulcePasswordRemoved Recovery - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A common model of pre-recorder is the Suzuki Precorder (see ), but it just doesn't seem to be marketed in Spain or Spanish America, though it is in Brazil. Spanish to English translation results for tocar la flauta designed for tablets and mobile devices. I haven't suggested an answer because I can't find a term for it in Spanish. entonces se proceder a cultivar su sensibilidad artstica tocando con un. Pre-recorders Spanish translation: primera flauta dulce / flauta dulce con los agujeros levantados.Ĭoming from the UK, where everyone used to play the recorder in school, I didn't find this term so mysterious ( I didn't join in the discussion before, because it's been going on during the night for me!). 6 EL MTODO SUZUKI DE FLAUTA DULCE MTODO NUEVO, EDUCATIVO Y EFICAZ SUZUKI.

Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.

General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Es decir, un instrumento transpositor toca o lee una nota y suena otra.