Next, edit the DHCP options to fetch the NBP from an HTTP/HTTPS endpoint. Essentially, the need for TFTP is dropped. The best documentation I can find on this topic currently is given below in the References section. Sorry-network booting humor is pretty difficult to come by.over NFS) +Likewise osstest does not require a dedicated TFTP (netboot) server +but … sign in dme relay bmw e90 This is configured via the DhcpWatchMethod host prop (default configured via HostProp_DhcpWatchMethod) -Likewise osstest does not require a dedicated PXE server but one must -exist on the network and be accessible via a local path on the osstest -control VM (e.g. However, the HTTPs Boot on Client BIOS supports the TLS protocol to enable secure operating system deployment. It is designed to work only with a corporate network and does not support the secure Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. Share Improve this answer FollowThe Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE) Boot uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) instead of TCP. Both scenarios of course imply that you can attach a keyboard and monitor to the device. Pressing the Pause/ScrollLock button on the keyboard early in the boot (before PXE starts it's boot atempt) can achieve the same thing. Wait a minute or so to let the switch settle and then leave the bios to continue booting.